Cognitive Rehabilitation for Individuals Suffering from Cognitive Impairment ​

Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive impairment is understood as the phase of decline of some cognitive functions, either due to alterations due to the natural aging process or to other factors. In general, mild cognitive impairment does not affect the performance of the activities of daily living, it is a preliminary step to dementia.

The loss of memory and certain skills are the most common symptoms of the cognitive impairment process.

Older adults with cognitive impairment are at high risk to falling due to alterations in gait parameters and cognitive functions.

Main Causes of Cognitive Impairment

Aging is the main cause of cognitive impairment, although it is not the only one. There are several factors such as neuropsychological or genetic factors that influence the development of this problem.

On the other hand, lifestyle habits also increase the risk of experiencing cognitive changes if they are not healthy. Some of them may be:

– Obesity
– Smoking
– Low educational level
– Depression
– High cholesterol
– Poor social interaction

Types of Cognitive Impairment

  • Mild cognitive impairment: this situation occurs when there is mild memory impairment. However, it does not affect performance of the activities of daily living. In these cases, patients can lead a completely normal and autonomous life.
  • Mild dementia: in this phase, the performance of the activities of daily living begins to suffer slightly. In these cases, patients begin to forget things or names and may present some behavioral changes.
  • Moderate dementia: the alteration of many of the daily functions are already evident at this level. Difficulty in understanding, learning, mistakes while performing calculations, anxiety, depression and even aggressive behavior appear.
  • Severe dementia: in many cases of severe dementia, communication with the patient is almost impossible. In this extreme case, total memory loss appears and the person is already totally dependent.

Prevention and Treament of Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive decline cannot always be prevented. However, there are habits that can help prevent it and maintain quality of life over the years:

– Avoiding tobacco and alcohol consumption
– Exercising or practicing some type of physical activity regularly
– Interacting with people
– Respecting sleep time
– Stimulate the mind with entertainment or specific games for this purpose
There are also different therapeutic processes aimed at improving cognitive impairments resulting from injuries or disorders affecting the brain.

Cognitive rehabilitation refers to the recovery of cognitive functions and skills. Rehametrics has multiple cognitive rehabilitation exercises with different levels of difficulty and customization options that allow clinicians to adapt treatment plans according to the capabilities of each patient.

Rehametrics is a physical and cognitive rehabilitation software that improves clinical outcomes in different areas. Specifically, in cognitive rehabilitation, the system focuses on different clinical objectives: attention, memory, perception, language, executive functions and activities of daily living.
Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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