Shoulder Range of Motion Rehabilitation Exercises

More than 40 exercises designed specifically to recover joint range of motion for both upper and lower extremities with the goal of improving neuromuscular and mobilization processes. These exercises help improve patient functionality.

Rehabilitation Exercises

Rehametrics has multiple personalization options and levels of difficulty that enable clinicians to adapt those sessions prescribed to their patients, taking into account their current rehabilitation goals.

These exercises were designed to train upper and lower extremity range of motion, coordination, endurance and movement speed.

Clinicians can adapt rehabilitation exercises adjusting exercise duration and difficulty and using the available personalization options for each exercise.

Quantifying Rehabilitation Sessions

While patients complete rehabilitation sessions prescribed by their clinicians, Rehametrics quantifies -automatically- each session to offer healthcare professionals objective information on their performance for each patient. In this way, while patients complete the exercises available in Rehametrics, our software will register shoulder range of motion, hip flexo-extension or adduction-abduction and elbow and knee range of motion.

All of this clinical data can then be used by clinicians to obtain an objective view of patient evolution during the rehabilitation process.

Main Benefits

Rehametrics is a clinically-validated virtual rehabilitation software that includes rehabilitation exercises, designed by rehabilitation experts, that help improve patient functionality.

Improve Rehabilitation Outcomes

Facilitate Patient Management

Improve Patient Experience

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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