Rehabilitation Exercises Designed to Improve Mobility and Displacements

Exercises related with body movement displacement are fundamental to be able to perform the majority of activities of daily living successfully. Rehametrics has 16 exercises designed to improve the ability to move around safely and autonomously.

Virtual Rehabilitation Exercises

Patients with gait disorders caused by muscular or nervous system injuries will normally be unable to control their own body weight when using affected limbs.

The goal of each of the virtual rehabilitation exercises available in Rehametrics, which have multiple levels of difficulty and personalization options, is to improve each patient’s ability for autonomous gait, with or without technical aids.

Quantifying Rehabilitation Sessions

While patients complete rehabilitation sessions prescribed by their clinicians, Rehametrics quantifies -automatically- each session to offer healthcare professionals objective information on their performance for each patient. In this way, while patients complete the gait exercises available in Rehametrics, our software will register step width and height, number of steps taken and average step time, among other parameters.

All of this clinical data can then be used by clinicians to obtain an objective view of patient evolution during the rehabilitation process.

Main Benefits

Rehametrics was designed by a team of rehabilitation experts as a tool for other rehabilitation professionals with the goal of improving the quality and the clinical outcomes obtained during the rehabilitation process. And, on top of that:

The software uses gamification techniques to improve patient experience

Has multiple exercises which can all be personalized

Enables Telerehabilitation

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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