Improve balance in Multiple Sclerosis with virtual rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of balance and coordination in people with Multiple Sclerosis, is key to maintain their autonomy in activities of daily living and to avoid falls.
Here you can see the summary of the study published in the Spanisch Journal for Disability, where the validity of the rehabilitation software Rehametrics is proved, specifically for the improvement of balance, coordination and joint ranges of these patients.
The authors of this study are Marta Cárdenas Martínez, Marta Torres Parejo, (both from the University of Castilla La Mancha) and Nuria Mendoza Laiz (from the University Francisco de Vitoria, Spain).

Historically, numerous authors have not mentioned physical activity as a treatment or aid for patients with Multiple Sclerosis. They justified it by the observation that exercise generated a worsening of symptoms such as balance disturbances, visual problems or increased spasticity. It was also erroneously thought that by avoiding exercise, energy was saved so that it could be used in the activities of daily life.
As a result, people with Multiple Sclerosis have been invited to lead an inactive lifestyle for years (Cuevas et al., 2007). In addition to all this , the practice of physical activity causes an increase in body temperature, of 0.5 degrees Celsius, which slows down or blocks the conduction of nerve impulses (Sierra, 2010).
However, subsequent studies have shown that:
The practice of physical exercise improves mobility, postural control, strength and physical fitness in the population with multiple sclerosis.
(Thomas et al., 2014).
Summary of the study
An experimental group of five subjects (n=5) participated in this study, composed of four women and one man, all of them with MS and belonging to the Multiple Sclerosis Association of Toledo (Ademto).
– Inclusion criteria:
– Subjects with MS diagnosed for at least two years.
– Disease level that allows the subject to be independent.
– Exclusion criteria
– Present any serious illness.
– Having any type of muscle injury, operation or fracture in the last year.
An experimental study has been carried out, starting with a search for subjects, a first phase of familiarization with Rehametrics, in order to adjust the levels of the training exercises and get to know the customization options offered by this virtual rehabilitation program.
The following week the pre-test was performed, using the Berg balance scale and the measurements recorded automatically by the Rehametrics software.
The treatment lasted for six weeks, and was has been composed of three blocks of three exercises each, with a total duration of 20 minutes.
The results obtained in this study of balance and coordination training using the Rehametrics platform, where static balance, coordination and range of motion data were taken into account, show that all the subjects who have participated have had improvements in different variables.
Balance Exercises in Multiple Sclerosis
The benefits of virtual reality as a means of rehabilitation are varied, offering a safe environment, a complete adaptation of the exercises to the patient ‘s capabilities, the generation of objective data on the evolution, and, in addition, the motivation is greatly increased by the fact that it is conceived as a game.

More than 50% of people with Multiple Sclerosis suffer falls during a six-month period.
(Finlayson et al., 2006; Nilsagard et al., 2009; Matsuda et al., 2011).
The importance of fall prevention is such that people with Multiple Sclerosis who have had falls in the last six months have more lesions in the cerebellum and brainstem compared to those who have not suffered falls (Prosperini et al., 2011).
Conclusions, clinical validation of Rehametrics
After conducting the study, the following conclusions were obtained:
- The effectiveness of the use of the Rehametricsplatform is affirmed, carrying out balance and coordination training during physical rehabilitation of people with Multiple Sclerosis.
- The Rehametrics platform is a very useful element in the improvement of static balance.
- This platform is also capable of improving coordination and increase the range of motion of both the upper and lower limbs by carrying out balance and coordination training.