Physical rehabilitation and active ageing.

Active Ageing

We understand active ageing as the process of improving people's health and quality of life as they age.

The main pillars of active ageing are physical activity, mental well-being and social participation.

Physiotherapists are experts in helping people preventively to stay active as they age by improving their functional status and quality of life.

Main benefits of active ageing

People who routinely engage in physical activity improve different aspects, among them:

  • Balance
  • Strength
  • Coordination and motor control
  • Flexibility
  • Endurance

Physical activity among older adults also reduces the risk of falling, heart disease and dementia. Among the main benefits are:

  • Living longer
  • Lower risk of heart attacks
  • Improved bone density
  • Prevention of chronic conditions

Recommendations for active ageing

Good habits are essential for older adults. There are many factors that can enhance active ageing and improve the quality of life of the elderly. In keeping with the objectives of active ageing, the main tips to keep in mind are the following:

  • Physical activity
  • Adequate nutrition
  • Good sleeping habits
  • Developing an occupation
  • Maintaining social and family relationships
  • Being in contact with nature

Rehabilitation exercises for active ageing

There are specific programs to meet the objectives for older adults. Among the main groups of recommended exercises are:

  • Endurance exercises: this type of activity improves cardiovascular function, contributes to lower cholesterol and improves respiratory capacity. It also increases energy to carry out daily life activities.
  • Strength exercises: prevents osteoporosis, improves walking speed and the ability to be autonomous and independent. This type of exercise improves metabolism and helps to control body weight.
  • Balance exercises: slow and precision exercises reduce falls, improve joint amplitude and help prevent common problems among the elderly, such as hip fractures, vertebral fractures and other accidents.
  • Flexibility exercises: stretching and flexibility improvement activities help to maintain autonomy and perform daily tasks much better.

Rehametrics has physical exercises and cognitive stimulation exercises designed to improve quality of life and help them enjoy a healthy aging.

The software is designed so that people can perform these exercises in hospitals, clinics and even in their own homes, always under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

In addition, Rehametrics quantifies completed sessions and provides the clinical team with information on the evolution of each patient, allowing for detailed monitoring of each case.

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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