Motor Rehabilitation

Motor Rehabilitation

motor rehabilitation

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Once again, in this new post we will take a detailed look at a subject that is very interesting for both patients and rehabilitation professionals. This time we will take a look at motor rehabilitation.

Usually, it is understood that the objective of motor rehabilitation is to promote motor learning to obtain an efficient control in different environments, with the goal of improving patient participation and their level of function. This type of rehabilitation is mainly focused on those patients that suffer a physical impairment related to different types of injuries (fractures, lower-back pain, etc.), a stroke or to impairments associated with age. In this last case, problems can be caused by bone deterioration or by muscular weakness. In this way, motor rehabilitation will be useful for those individuals that have difficulties with their mobility, with movement coordination or with the range of motion of their joints.

In this way, the goal of motor rehabilitation (just as with other types of rehabilitation) is to recover -as much as possible- those aspects that have been affected and train patients on those that cannot be recovered. In this last aspect, there tends to be more emphasis placed on the activities of daily living.

Games for Motor Rehabilitation

On top of the importance of completing the different types of exercises prescribed by clinicians, it is also relevant to take into account what these “games” can provide for motor rehabilitation. These games offer, both to rehabilitation professionals and patients, the possibility to incorporate gamification, and all its benefits, to rehabilitation. As many of you already know, gamification refers to the use of games and game-related techniques to make tasks and activities -that are normally considered to be monotonous- more fun (and, therefore, more motivating). This is the case for rehabilitation, which requires multiple repetitions to obtain the functional gains desired by both rehabilitation professionals and patients.

However, it is easy to lose one’s motivation if the same task is repeated over and over for a long period of time. It is for this reason that incorporating games or gamification techniques for motor rehabilitation can have a direct effect on patient motivation and, as a result, on their participation during the rehabilitation process. In this way, it is also possible for patients to obtain better functional outcomes and a greater level of independence.

Activities for Motor Rehabilitation

Although there are several types of activities for motor rehabilitation, only a few incorporate, in a simple way, the main requirements necessary for a rehabilitation task to be really effective. To do this, more than the activity on its own, it is very important for activities to incorporate both quantification capabilities as well as gamification techniques. In this way, among the main advantages offered by our software rehabilitation platform, we find the fact that multiple techniques and capabilities are brought together in the same task. The goal that has been achieved by doing this is to develop more effective environments to obtain a better recovery for patients.

As a result, Rehametrics enables the creation of more effective environments for rehabilitation. On the one hand, it incorporates multiple activities: there are more than 80 physical exercises available. These exercises have been designed to train multiple clinical goals, based on what is required by each patient. Moreover, all of them add personalization options to adjust exercises to the needs of each patient. Furthermore, Rehametrics also adds quantification capabilities that can easily measure joint range of motion, movement velocity and other relevant parameters for the motor rehabilitation process. Finally, Rehametrics also includes gamification techniques to increase patient motivation and participation during their rehabilitation sessions.

Characteristics and Benefits of Motor Rehabilitation

In this way, Rehametrics offers patients the main benefits and characteristics of motor rehabilitation in a fun and easy to use environment. The same rehabilitation platform offers the clinical team an easy way to start using motor rehabilitation tasks. Using its simple prescription interface, it is possible to program activities with different clinical goals for the same rehabilitation session. Rehametrics will start those tasks prescribed by clinicians using gamified environments that will be, as a result, more motivating for patients. Moreover, different measurements will be automatically taken during the session. In this way, Rehametrics will provide clinicians with an objective view of what patients have achieved in each of the rehabilitation sessions they have completed.

All of the information collected during the sessions could be used by the clinical team to better adjust the motor rehabilitation treatment plans designed with Rehametrics. Or, if needed, the same information can also be exported -for each of the 6 different types of reports available- to a document in a PDF format. All of this will speed up and simplify motor rehabilitation for all interested parties.

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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