Acquired brain injury exercises for neuropsychologists

Acquired Brain Injury is one of the leading causes of disability today. Cognitive, physical, language and occupational intervention is crucial to recover the affected functions. For this, it is necessary to design acquired brain injury exercise sessions that are specific to the affected person.

Neuropsychologists will chose activities to rehabilitate the different cognitive functions affected in an acquired brain injury:

  • Attention
  • Memory
  • Perception
  • Language
  • Executive functions
If you want to know more about exercises for acquired brain injury in the field of physiotherapy or occupational therapy, visit these entries:

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How to design an acquired brain injury exercise plan?

In order to design a treatment plan for acquired brain injury it is necessary first of all to perform a complete neuropsychological assessment, to objectively measure the affected functions.

Then, the health professional will design a plan, adjusting the duration and intensity of treatment, as well as the functions to be treated in order to achieve the therapeutic objectives.

During treatment, the healthcare professional adjusts the treatment plan according to the patient ‘s progress, based on assessments and measurements.

A software for professional use with specific exercises, will help us to automatically regulate the intensity or level of the activities, while collecting objective data on the patient’s evolution.

Exercise protocol for acquired brain damage

Rehametrics has a variety of pre-designed protocols for different patients. These protocols are sessions designed by clinical experts that are adjusted to the specific needs and affected functions depending on patient and pathology.

We have developed different sessions with exercises for acquired brain injury. These sessions include activities for several cognitive areas that may be affected after brain damage. Healthcare professional can also choose from a large number of individual activities and easy levels.

Example of a session with exercises for acquired brain injury

Temporal orientation

It is used to reinforce during the session that the patient is oriented in time. It is interesting to incorporate orientation activities in cognitive stimulation with exercises for acquired brain injury.

Visual perception

In this visual perception activity, the goal is to touch the outline of the given image. It is crucial that a protocol with exercises for acquired brain injury includes perceptual activities, for example for patients with visual agnosia.


In this attention activity, tha patient has to touch the geometric shapes that are indicated from a set of moving figures. Attention is often impaired in people with acquired brain damage.

Processing speed

The goal of this exercise for acquired brain injury is to address processing speed is to touch all of the boxes in a given category that fall from of a given category that fall from the sky before they hit the ground.


An activity to train expressive language and phonological awareness is to find the picture that begins with the given syllable. Among the exercises for brain damage that can be used in neuropsychology and speech therapy, language exercises are paramount.

Activities of daily living

Another example of an exercise for acquired brain injury would be a shopping exercise, in which the patient will have to perform all the steps of shopping, from revising the list, through finding the products in the supermarket, to the payment.

Likewise, our activities are highly customizable, specific parameters can be changed in order to adjust to the needs of each patient.

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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