Cognitive Stimulation to Increase Patient Autonomy in Activities of Daily Living

Being able to perform the activities of daily living autonomously is fundamental to improve the quality of life of all patients. Rehametrics has more than 12 cognitive rehabilitation exercises designed to improve patient level of Independence in their daily lives.

Functional Exercises for Cognitive Rehabilitation

Rehametrics also has a number of cognitive rehabilitation exercises whose main clinical goal is training the activities of daily living. These exercises represent tasks associated with everyday life, like ordering a closet, going shopping or using public transport. In all of these exercises, patients have to solve the challenges presented by the software, in order to complete the task correctly. In this way, patients will train the performance of activities of daily living safely while giving clinicians the possibility of using multiple cognitive functions simultaneously in each task.

Furthermore, all of these exercises have multiple levels of difficulty that can be used to adjust the complexity of each task as required. Exercises also have various personalization optionsthat can be used to adjust, in more detail, each session to patient needs.

Provide an objective view of cognitive rehabilitation sessions

While patients complete rehabilitation sessions prescribed by their clinicians, Rehametrics quantifies -automatically- each session to offer healthcare professionals objective information on their performance for each patient. In this way, while patients complete the executive function rehabilitation exercises available in Rehametrics, our software will register the number of correct and incorrect answers and average response times for each level of difficulty, among other parameters.

But this is not it. Rehametrics will also offer this data to clinicians, displaying it within a clinical context. That is, indicating what type of stimuli appeared on screen and how similar they were with each other when patients answered correctly or made mistakes in each completed session.

All of this clinical data can then be used by clinicians to obtain an objective view of patient evolution during the rehabilitation process.

Main Benefits

The cognitive stimulation exercises available in Rehametrics were designed to improve cognitive functions and to generalize those gains in function obtained during the rehabilitation process. In this way, it is possible to reach the highest possible degree of autonomy for each patient. As a result, Rehametrics is a rehabilitation software for healthcare professionals that:

Improves patient experience

Improves rehabilitation outcomes

Enables session personalization for each patient

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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