Clinical Validation

key factors for recovery
The Rehametrics digital rehabilitation software was designed taking into account the scientific evidence obtained in multiple clinical studies. These studies have shown that there are four key factors that will influence a patient’s recovery during the rehabilitation process. These factors are:

The intensity of the rehabilitation treatment. The intensity of rehabilitation will have a direct effect on patient recovery. In this way, treatment intensity can be managed by monitoring several factors such as the duration and difficulty of the exercises to be performed, the frequency with which rehabilitation sessions must be completed and the effort required by patients to complete prescribed tasks.

According to evidence, therapy should consist of a large number of repetitions performed with high intensity. Several studies show that new technologies are a very useful tool in this regard, for example: “Motor Recovery: How Rehabilitation Techniques and Technologies Can Enhance Recovery and Neuroplasticity” (Robynne G. Braun, MD, PhD, George F. Wittenberg, MD PhD, Semin Neurol 2021; 41:167-176).

The gamification of rehabilitation used in Rehametrics allows increasing the number of sessions per patient, as well as the number of repetitions and intensity of each exercise.
Increase patient motivation. It has been shown that patient motivation will affect their degree of participation during rehabilitation sessions. In this way, a motivated patient will participate in a much more active way and, therefore, will obtain better outcomes from the rehabilitation process. Rehametrics incorporates different game techniques (gamification) that aim to increase patient motivation. Among these we have:

  • Multiple virtual environments, designed to be fun and motivating for patients.
  • Biofeedback during the execution of the exercises, immediate feedback (visual, sound and kinesthetic).
  • Gradual increase of difficulty for all tasks.
  • Point-based patient ranking and exercise achievements, to increase adherence to treatment.
Moreover, the Rehametrics virtual rehabilitation platform is constantly evaluating patient performance and adjusting task difficulty automatically. This is done to find the optimal difficulty for each of the prescribed exercises: a difficulty that is not too high to be frustrating for patients or too low to stop motivating them. However, rehabilitation professionals can modify this difficulty whenever they want, even during the execution of the exercises without having to interrupt them.

With all these strategies, greater motivation and a higher patient engagement during the rehabilitation process is achieved.

Adapt exercises to patient needs. According to scientific evidence, motivating, meaningful and task-oriented activities have the greatest therapeutic potential. In this sense, our software proposes a wide variety of exercises that can adapt to the tastes and needs of patients. Many functional activities and also others that are more analytical, but always with a defined therapeutic objective.

The software makes it easier to adapt exercise duration, difficulty and other parameters to the needs of each patient, adjusting session difficulty accordingly. All this can be done even during the session, without having to interrupt it, giving clinicians more flexibility.

On the other hand, healthcare professionals has full control over the total duration of daily sessions and the weekly frequency in which patients will have to complete rehabilitation sessions with Rehametrics.

Provide correct information to patients at the right time. Instructions and feedback received by patients during prescribed exercises are also very important to achieve the best possible results during the recovery process.

In all Rehametrics rehabilitation exercises, whether physical, cognitive or occupational, the software will present short, easy-to-understand instructions to patients, telling them what they are expected to do to successfully complete each of the prescribed exercises. These instructions will be written on the screen, giving patients enough time to read them. At the same time, Rehametrics will read these instructions out loud, so that patients can receive the instructions both ways. During the execution of all exercises, our software will give precise and personalized feedback to patients according to their performance during the exercise. This feedback will be written on screen, but will also be read out loud by our software.

In summary, Rehametrics makes a more intense and motivating rehabilitation possible; it also provides biofeedback and adapts to the interests, needs and clinical goals of each patient. Thus, the application of scientific evidence in the development of the physical, cognitive, occupational and language therapy exercises available in Rehametrics, as well as various personalization options, give rehabilitation professionals greater control over the prescribed session and facilitate obtaining better rehabilitation outcomes.

Furthermore, numerous clinical studies show the benefits of the Rehametrics rehabilitation software platform in the rehabilitation of patients in both clinical and home settings. These studies show that the application of quantification and gamification techniques and the implementation of key recovery factors as mentioned by scientific evidence, improve the rehabilitation outcomes obtained during the recovery process while also facilitating a more efficient use of available healthcare resources.

Below is a list of all clinical studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals that used Rehametrics with their patients to address different clinical goals.

Scientific Journals

  1. Calduch, Jordán, Elvira, Jovaní, Castillo. Aplicación de entornos virtuales en el proceso de rehabilitación funcional del hombro: valoración de la satisfacción del paciente. Revista Española de Traumatología Laboral. Vol. 3, Fasc. 2 Núm 6. Noviembre 2020.
  2. Sengupta, Gupta, Khanna, Krishnan, Chakrabarti. Role of Virtual Reality in Balance Training in PatientswithSpinal Cord Injury: A Prospective Comparative Pre-Post Study. Asian Spine Journal, 2019 (11/2019).
  3. Lu, Penades, Blasco, J. Chirivella, Gagliardo. Evaluation of Kinect2 based balance measurement.Neurocomputing, Volume 208, October 2016 (290-298).
  4. Blasco, J. Chirivella, Gagliardo, Ferreiro, Izquierdo, Penadés, Taylor. Comparison between traditional physiotherapy and the combination of traditional treatment with virtual reality. Brain Injury, 2016; 30 (5-6): 481-817
  5. Blasco, J. Chirivella, Gagliardo, C. Chirivella, Penadés, Taylor. Comparison between traditional neuropsychology treatment and the combination of traditional treatment with virtual reality. Brain Injury, 2016; 30 (5-6): 481-817
  6. Blasco, J. Chirivella, Gagliardo, C. Chirivella, Penadés, Taylor. Quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG), virtual reality (VR) and transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS) in a case of cognitive impairment related to Parkinson’s disease. Brain Injury, 2016; 30 (5-6): 481-817
  7. Gagliardo, Ferreiro, Izquierdo, Penadés, J. Chirivella, Mas. NeuroAtHome: A software platform of clinical videogames specifically designed for the motor rehabilitation of stroke patients. Brain Injury, 2014; 28 (5-6): 517-878
  8. J. Chirivella, del Barco, Blasco, Penadés, Gagliardo, Mas. NeuroAtHome: A software platform of clinical videogames specifically designed for the cognitive rehabilitation of stroke patients.Brain Injury, 2014; 28 (5-6): 517-878
  9. Izquierdo, del Barco, Ferreiro, Blasco, Gagliardo, Penadés, J. Chirivella. Use of a home-based telerehabilitation platform for motor and cognitive treatment of a patient with progressive spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA-7): a case report.Brain Injury, 2014; 28 (5-6): 517-878
  10. Larson, Feigon, Dvorkin, Gagliardo. Virtual reality and cognitive rehabilitation: A review of current outcome research. NeuroRehabilitation 2014 (06/2014).
Similarly, Rehametrics was also used in several clinical studies whose results were presented in scientific congresses both in Spain and internationally. Here is a list of those studies:

Presentation at Scientific Congresses

  1. Olmo, Enguer, Blasco. Effect of the NeuroAtHome platform versus traditional treatment in neuromuscular conditions. LXVIII Conference of the Spanish Neurological Society.
  2. Blasco, J. Chirivella, C. Chirivella, Manso, Gagliardo, Penadés, Taylor. Symposium:Using virtual reality and gamification in daily clinical rehabilitation practice. I Iberoamerican Congress on Neuropsychology.
  3. Blasco, J. Chirivella, C. Chirivella, Manso, Gagliardo, Penadés, Taylor. Using virtual reality in cognitive rehabilitation after stroke. I Iberoamerican Congress on Neuropsychology.
  4. Blasco, J. Chirivella, C. Chirivella, Manso, Gagliardo, Penadés, Taylor. Using virtual reality in memory and self-care for individuals with a toxic-metabolic syndrome. I Iberoamerican Congress on Neuropsychology.
  5. Blasco, J. Chirivella, C. Chirivella, Manso, Gagliardo, Penadés, Taylor. Gamificaition and motivation in attentional and functional rehabilitation after a traumatic brain injury. I Iberoamerican Congress on Neuropsychology.
  6. Blasco, J. Chirivella, C. Chirivella, Manso, Gagliardo, Penadés, Taylor. Virtual reality program for the treatment of mild cognitive impairments assessed with a qEEG. I Iberoamerican Congress on Neuropsychology.
  7. Blasco, Mas, Chirivella, Gagliardo, Penadés, Izquierdo, Ferreiro, Sanchis, Morera. Virtual reality in upper extremity rehabilitation after stroke. LXVII Conference of the Spanish Neurological Society.
  8. Blasco, Mas, Sanchis, Morera, Gagliardo, Penadés, Chirivella, del Barco, Chirivella. Outcome comparison between a treatment based on traditional cognitive therapy and a treatment combining traditional cognitive therapy with natural interfaces for the rehabilitation of patients with an acquired brain injury.LXVI Conference of the Spanish Neurological Society.
  9. Blasco, Sanchis, Mas, Morera, Gagliardo, Penadés, Chirivella, Ferreiro, Izquierdo. Outcome comparison between a treatment based on traditional physical therapy and a treatment combining traditional physical therapy with natural interfaces for the rehabilitation of patients with an acquired brain injury.LXVI Conference of the Spanish Neurological Society.
  10. Castilla, Gómez, López, Berra. Efficacy of a virtual rehabilitation treatment in unstable geriatric patients with mild cognitive impairments.LXVI Conference of the Spanish Neurorehabilitation Society.
If you would like to receive more information on the different clinical studies completed with Rehametrics, do not hesitate in contacting us to request more information.

Results Obtained with Rehametrics

The main clinical studies completed with Rehametrics have shown that the use of this digital rehabilitation platform with different types of patients offers better outcomes than traditional rehabilitation. This was seen both in cognitive and in physical rehabilitation, in the level of autonomy and generalization of the obtained outcomes and in patient engagement, among other things. These studies also showed that the improved outcomes obtained were significant (p<0.0001) and that they were maintained in time even 6 months after completing treatment with Rehametrics.
clinical validation rehametrics
Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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