Virtual Rehabilitation

Exercises for Gifted Students

Examples of exercises for gifted students It is important to provide adequate intervention and exercises for Gifted Students, due to the prevalence and characteristics in the current population. The prevalence of gifted students varies depending on the criteria and identification methods used, but generally, it is estimated that about 3% to 5% of the student […]

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Ejercicio para trabajar la heminegligencia en tablet

Exercises to treat spatial neglect on a tablet

10 exercises to treat spatial neglect on a tablet or smartboard Spatial neglect is one of the most frequent consequences of stroke. Patients are unable to pay attention to stimuli presented to the region contralateral to the damaged hemisphere. Due to its etiology, neglect is mostly left-sided. It is necessary for professionals to know exercises

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Persona con discapacidad física conduciendo un coche adaptado

Cognitive training for driver rehabilitation

Having adaptations and physical rehabilitation to return to driving is undoubtedly important. However, driving also involves a number of necessary cognitive skills. Therefore, it is important that we use cognitive training techniques and exercises for driver rehabilitation with our patients. Both physical adaptations for drivers and cognitive adaptations are necessary. Cognitive skills related to driving

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Exercises to improve elbow joint range

Elbow joint range deficits, causes: Joint limitation of the elbow can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, disease, joint or neurological disorders. Fractures, dislocations, sprains and other acute traumatic injuries can cause damage to the bones, ligaments, tendons and soft tissues around the elbow, which can lead to limited range of motion.

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área o medio rural

Cognitive stimulation at home in rural areas

How to bring cognitive stimulation to homes in rural areas In cities and densely populated areas, there is a wide range of clinics and professionals who offer rehabilitation or cognitive stimulation. However, more remote areas and small towns usually lack this types of offerings. It is difficult for people in rural areas to access quality

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How to reduce the lack of attendance to Physical Therapy sessions?

Why do patients cancel or miss Physical Therapy sessions? The lack of attendance in Physical Therapy, either with or without prior notice, causes many losses of time and income to Rehabilitation professionals. Whether in a private clinic or in a public health service, in short, it is a waste of resources that we should not

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How does technology help people with intellectual disabilities?

The use of technology in intellectual disabilities The use of technology in people with intellectual disabilities has been gaining relevance in recent years, since digital therapies can offer various tools and resources to support the development and improvement of the quality of life in this group of people. Here are some ways digital therapies can

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Parkinson’s disease, rehabilitation exercises

What rehabilitation exercises can be performed in Parkinson’s disease? Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neurological disorder that primarily affects movement. Its symptoms may vary from person to person and tend to develop gradually. The most common symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include: tremors, stiffness, bradykinesia (slow movements), balance disorders, gait disturbance, impaired handwriting and facial expression.

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Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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