Cognitive Rehabilitation

Activities of daily living: Paying bills

New cognitive activity: Paying bills Rehametrics features different exercises on activities of daily living. You can work on planning, using transportation, cooking, shopping, handling money. In this article we introduce a new activity: Paying bills. In this activity we work on cognitive functions such as working memory, attention, distractor inhibition and decision making. The activity […]

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envejecimiento activo- personas mayores jugando al ajedrez

Cognitive exercises for healthy aging

Choosing cognitive exercises for a healthy aging program More and more people are turning to healthcare professionals and programs not only when they observe cognitive or physical decline, but also as a preventive measure. Properly selecting cognitive exercises for healthy aging can be a challenge, as most interventions are usually focused on rehabilitation of impaired

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Ejercicio para trabajar la heminegligencia en tablet

Exercises to treat spatial neglect on a tablet

10 exercises to treat spatial neglect on a tablet or smartboard Spatial neglect is one of the most frequent consequences of stroke. Patients are unable to pay attention to stimuli presented to the region contralateral to the damaged hemisphere. Due to its etiology, neglect is mostly left-sided. It is necessary for professionals to know exercises

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Persona con discapacidad física conduciendo un coche adaptado

Cognitive training for driver rehabilitation

Having adaptations and physical rehabilitation to return to driving is undoubtedly important. However, driving also involves a number of necessary cognitive skills. Therefore, it is important that we use cognitive training techniques and exercises for driver rehabilitation with our patients. Both physical adaptations for drivers and cognitive adaptations are necessary. Cognitive skills related to driving

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área o medio rural

Cognitive stimulation at home in rural areas

How to bring cognitive stimulation to homes in rural areas In cities and densely populated areas, there is a wide range of clinics and professionals who offer rehabilitation or cognitive stimulation. However, more remote areas and small towns usually lack this types of offerings. It is difficult for people in rural areas to access quality

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quimioterapia en el cerebro

Chemobrain: How chemotherapy affects cognitive function.

What is Chemobrain and how it affects cognitive function Although the physical symptoms of chemotherapy are widely known (such as fatigue, dizziness, weight loss, alopecia) there are also patients who experience cognitive symptoms. This is known as chemobrain. What is chemobrain or chemofog? Chemobrain consists of a series of cognitive symptoms and impairments caused by

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Memory exercise to improve cognition in oncology patients with Chemobrain.

Memory training with cognitive software

How can I train memory with cognitive software? Memory training with cognitive software is a strategy that helps professionals (Neuropsychologists, Occupational Therapists…) to improve rehabilitation sessions. Cognitive training programs are designed to stimulate different areas and have proven effects on memory, attention, perception, executive functions, language and other cognitive functions. First of all, it should

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Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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