Rehabilitation Exercises for Body Control

Rehametrics has 20 exercises that can be used to rehabilitate a patient's ability to control posture and body movement. These tasks focus in improving head, trunk and posture control for each patient.

Virtual Rehabilitation Exercises

More than 20 exercises currently available in Rehametrics were designed to recover postural control that have multiple levels of difficulty and personalization options that enable rehabilitation professionals to individualize each session to the clinical needs of their patients.

Some examples of the personalization options available are maximum time for patients to complete the exercise or the prescribed task. There is also the option to change the virtual environment and, in some exercises, determine if patients must complete the exercises while standing or seated.

Main Benefits

The main goal of the exercises and taks available in Rehametrics is to recover the maximum level of functionality for each patient and, at the same time, improve the quality of the rehabilitation treatments. On top of that, they:

Improve patient experience

Collect data to quantify prescribed sessions and present it to clinicians in a way that it is easy to understand and clinically useful

Generate advanced clinical reports that can be personalized by clinicians

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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