About Us
Demographic and social trends have shown for years that health systems cannot cope with all the health-related needs of their served population efficiently. An aging population and an increasing level of dependency have become a social, economic and health problem.
The Rehametrics rehaabilitation software was created with the purpose of using existing health resources more efficiently and providing prevention and rehabilitation services to all those who need them.
Rehametrics is formed by a team of professionals with extensive experience in the fields of neuroscience and computer science, who are collaborating with their know-how and experience to create a virtual rehabilitation program, for healthcare professionals, that can improve clinical outcomes and the quality of rehabilitation treatments.
Since 2017, the Rehametrics software has been present in more than 12 countries, improving the quality of life of patients with neurological or neurodegenerative conditions, musculoskeletal injuries and in active aging. Currently, it is one of the leading solutions worldwide and the only software that can rehabilitate physical and cognitive aspects in any care setting.
Rehametrics is being used in more than 12 countries