Virtual therapy with Rehametrics 2017: the enhanced Calendar View

Every rehabilitation session completed with the Rehametrics virtual therapy platform generates data that enables the quantification of patient performance. Initially, during the session prescription process, healthcare professionals schedule personalized sessions using evicence-based exercises, virtual therapy and gamification, with the goal of increasing patient motivation and satisfaction and thus, achieving better results.


One of the major improvements in the Rehametrics 2017 virtual therapy platform is the enhanced Calendar View.  This new Calendar View allows the user to view all sessions completed by patients in detail. Because it is crucial for healthcare professionals to have a global and a detailed view of all prescribed rehabilitation sessions, the initial screen shown in Calendar View (shown in Figure 1) represents all completed rehabilitation sessions using a color code: the closer each day is to green, the closer the session will be to being 100% completed. Similarly, the closer each day is to red, the closer the session will be to being fully incomplete. Using this color-coded representation, clinicians will be able to quickly assess how patients have been adhering to the prescribed treatement.

The newly enhanced Rehametrics Calendar View offers an intuitive and user-friendly graphical environment. In Rehametrics 2017, clinicians have more information for every completed session, including the percentage of the prescribed session completed by the patient, the personalization options selected by clinicians for each prescribed exercise and the exercise start time, as shown in Figure 2.

Similarly, Rehametrics exercises use SmartDifficulty, a software-based algorithm that constantly adjusts the level of difficulty of each session while patients complete prescribed exercisesadapting them to patient performance. Using SmartDifficulty, rehabilitation sessions will not be too difficult -and thus, frustrating for patients- nor too easy -and therefore, less motivating. Rehametrics will constantly search for the optimal level of difficulty for each patient. Among all the data displayed, Calendar View will also show which levels of difficulty were used by patients during the completed session.

Also, every session completed using a Kinect for Xbox One sensor will be anonymized, recorded and stored. As a result, clinicians can view and analyze the recorded session using SessionView, a 3D session viewer that shows all movements completed during the completed session. Every recorded session is anonymized, which means that it is not possible to observe the patient’s surrounding environment or the patient during the session, as seen in Figure 3 below. The recorded movement data will be used to animate an avatar that emulates the movements performed by patients during rehabilitation sessions.

In this way, patients can use the Rehametrics virual therapy platform -either in remote clinical or home settings- without having to sacrifice their privacy or the quality of the treatment received from the prescribing clinicians. Through the use of the data available in Calendar View, clinicians have enough information to assess patient evolution objectively regardless of where the completed rehabilitation session took place.

If you are interested in receiving more information on Calendar View or other features described in this post, contact us by sending us an email to

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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