
Rehametrics enables the delivery of remote physical and cognitive rehabilitation services, enabling the continuity of rehabilitation treatments, by applying new and innovative technologies.
85% more rehabilitation sessions at home
90% of patients report being satisfied
More than 80% of clinical goals are met

Telerehabilitation with Rehametrics

The Rehametrics Virtual Rehabilitation Software enables clinicians to prescribe physical and cognitive rehabilitation sessions remotely. The rehabilitation software platform has 250 exercises with more than 7000 levels of difficulty and will automatically generate clinical reports that evaluate more than 100 different clinical parameters. Patients can complete prescribed exercises at home with full time flexibility, reducing the chances of treatments not being completed. The results obtained during these sessions are collected by the software, stored and quantified thanks to motion capture techniques while the correct movements and answers for each exercise are also registered. With the Rehametrics Telerehabilitation solution, clinicians can manage and monitor patient rehabilitation in detail from the very first session.

How does Rehametrics work?

The Rehametris software is easy to use. This option enables the prescription of weekly rehabilitation sessions remotely while, at the same time, receiving clinical reports detailing patient evolution. The software only requires an Internet connection and a mobile device, a computer or a tablet. Rehametrics also provides technical support and training to healthcare professionals to ensure the correct and efficient use of the Rehametrics platform.

Clinicians prescribe rehabilitation sessions

Prescribe rehabilitation exercises according to the clinical goals and capabilities of each patient.

Patients complete prescribed exercises

Exercises can be completed both in clinical and home settings through an easy-to-use interface.

Clinicians prescribe rehabilitation sessions

Clinicians can monitor patient evolution in detail using the clinical data provided by Rehametrics.

Rehametrics generates a clinical report

Exercises can be completed both in clinical and home settings through an easy-to-use interface.
Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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