Can immersive virtual reality be used to rehabilitate spatial neglect?
Hemineglect or spatial neglect is a common symptom following acquired brain injury. Traditionally to rehabilitate hemineglect, activities on paper, manipulative material, or activities on a tablet or computer are used. However, it is also possible to perform spatial neglect exercises with virtual reality.
Immersive virtual reality allows us to create environments and exercises in which the patient has to perform a visual search and even touch certain stimuli. Thus, we stimulate him to pay attention to the whole visual field, especially the left one.
Likewise, virtual reality allows us to apply certain techniques that have evidence in the treatment of hemineglect when it also affects the body schema, especially the left upper limb:
- Virtual restrictive therapy
- Virtual mirror therapy
Activities for spatial neglect for virtual reality
Rehametrics has a variety of pre-designed protocols for different patients. These protocols are sessions designed by clinical experts that are adjusted to the specific needs and affected functions depending on patient and pathology.
We have developed different activities for virtual reality to rehabilitate spatial neglect.
Sample session for spatial neglect

Cephalic control
This activity is used for visual search. The patient has to look at asteroids that move through space for a certain time in order to explode them. We thus encourage visual tracking of the entire visual field, including the left side.

Hemineglect. Crossing the street
It consists of a task that simulates an activity of daily living. The patient has to pay attention to cars approaching from the left or right and decide the right time to cross the street.

Placing objects horizontally
In this activity, the user must pick up objects on a table and place them in the designated area. This stimulates visual tracking of the left visual field.

Popping bubbles
The aim of this activity is to touch all the bubbles that come out while dodging jellyfish. It requires good sustained attention and the patient needs to pay attention to a large physical space.
With the supervision of the clinical expert and complementary to other techniques, immersive virtual reality can be an interesting and evidence-based tool for the treatment of hemineglect.