Rehametrics 2017: SessionView with the Kinect One sensor

The latest version of our solution -Rehametrics 2017- takes advantage of the Kinect One sensor and a newly added feature SessionView to offer the most detailed view of rehabilitation sessions yet. Since Rehametric’s first release, the SessionView feature is probably one of the most helpful and most appreciated by clinicians.


At Rehametrics, we know that having quality data sources to correctly analyze how patients complete prescribed rehabilitation sessions is just as important as a good exercise execution. For this reason, we have specifically focused on developing more quality data sources and an improved user interface for the Calendar View.  It is in this section where patient data is stored and quantified as discussed -in detail- in a previous post.


As such, SessionView is one of the biggest improvements in the Rehametrics 2017 version. This new feature allows our software to record each session completed with the Kinect One sensor. At the same time, the embedded 3D recorder is responsible for registering every movement completed by the patient during the rehabilitation session.


On the other hand, anonymity is also very important and another feature of SessionView. Although every completed session is recorded and made available for analysis, SessionView ensures privacy is maintained by eliminating the surrounding environment and the patient from the recording. In this way, only the movements performed by the patient during the session are recorded. This data is the used to animate an avatar which facilitates clinical analysis. As a result, SessionView enables Rehametrics to deliver rehabilitation in clinical and home settings while, at the same time, respecting patient privacy and improving the quality of the prescribed sessions. Any setting can now become a perfect location for rehabilitation.


SessionView will be embedded in the Calendar View to improve usability for clinicians. As a result, all sessions completed with the Kinect One sensor will be automatically registered and stored in Calendar View enabling clinicians to watch and analyze them when required. Recorded sessions can be viewed from any angle thanks to the embedded 3D viewer and the stored 3D motion data.  Therefore, collected data will be more comprehensive and should provide enough detail to assess patient progress objectively.


In just a few days we will launch our latest version –Rehametrics 2017– for use across care settings. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in more information on SessionView, in any of the features discussed in a previous post, or to schedule a demo of Rehametrics 2017.

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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