Rehametrics 2017: the latest version of the most advanced rehabilitation software platform

We are pleased to announce that we are about to launch the latest version of the Rehametrics virtual rehabilitation platform, Rehametrics 2017, by the end of this month. Since its first release in 2014, many improvements have been added to our software rehabilitation platform. And many more will come in the future because Rehametrics is a product in constant evolution.

Currently, Rehametrics is the only rehabilitation platform that has exercises that can be completed using a Kinect One sensor and a touchscreen interface making our solution unique. However, the latest version, Rehametrics 2017, adds more features specifically included to objectively measure rehabilitation and patient evolution

As a company, our goal is to offer an optimal and user-friendly product that above all, quantifies and measures patient evolution. As a result, the improvements made to our latest release -Rehametrics 2017- will:

  • Increased cloud support: all physical and cognitive treatment stations can save collected data in the cloud enabling clinicians to analyse patient data and manage treatment plans and patients remotely from a centralized location. 
  • Calendar view: this visualization option allows clinicians to obtain a detailed summary of the daily sessions completed by their patients. In this way, clinicians can keep a detailed record of everything the patient did in any specific day in time. Similarly, if the session was completed using a Kinect One sensor, clinicians can access and analyze the recorded session through SessionView.
  • SessionView: every session completed with a Kinect One sensor is recorded as anonymized 3D data that can be viewed through an embedded session viewer –SessionView– enabling clinicians to watch, in detail and from any angle desired, the movements performed by the patient during the completed session. Recordings will be made independently of where the sessions take place -in clinical or home settings.
  • Exercise view: this visualization option provides an overall view of patient performance for every prescribed exercise. Rehametrics 2017 includes more detailed and clearer graphs for improved data analysis. Similarly, more types of graphs have been added to improve visualization options -per completed session and exercise- to show patient performance with distractors per cognitive function and response times, among others.
  • Physical and cognitive indicators: these visualization options bring together all data collected from the completed exercise sessions for the main physical and cognitive functions (i.e., balance, range of motion, attention, memory, etc.). Rehametrics 2017 is constantly measuring patient performance to generate evolution indicators -physical and cognitive- to enable session quantification. Among the most important indicators shown are: centre of gravity displacement, shoulder and hip range of motion, performance with distractors per cognitive function and response times.
  • Automatic report generation: Reports are, probably, one of the most important requirements for clinicians. In Rehametrics 2017, reports are generated automatically using the quantified data collected from completed Rehametrics sessions, regardless of care setting. These automatically-generated reports can be printed or exported into a PDF format for inclusion in the patient’s EHR profile. Similarly, the clinical team can also customize the report by adding the healthcare organization’s logo, removing sections, filling free-text areas and signing in signature boxes.
  • New supported languages: Rehametrics 2017 is now available in 7 languages: Portuguese, German, Italian, Russian, Polish, English and Spanish.
  • More exercises: We have also included several new physical and cognitive exercises that bring the total number of available exercises in our software rehabilitation plataform to more than 80.

With all these improvements, Rehametrics 2017 becomes the most comprehensive software rehabilitation platform in the market and, above all, a software tool that allows clinicians to measure patient evolution objectively and to adapt rehabilitation sessions to their specific needs and goals.

Over the next few weeks, we will show in more detail all of the improvements mentioned above -and included in Rehametrics 2017- in more detail.

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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