New Physical Exercises with Semi-immersive Virtual Reality

Semi-immersive virtual reality exercise update

To start working with semi-immersive virtual reality physical exercises you don’t need any special equipment or large investments. A television, a computer and a small free space in front of it will be enough. We provide you with the Kinect sensor and the subscription to the specific program for rehabilitation, which is totally affordable.

The Kinect sensor picks up the patient’s movements without the need to place anything on the patient’s body. This sensor is placed on the TV and accurately detects the person’s gestures and positions, providing immediate biofeedback.

If you are thinking that you already have enough with the traditional exercises and you think that you should not change anything… you should keep reading.

We at Rehametrics are very excited to announce that we have just launched a new physical, cognitive and occupational program update in June 2024.

What does the use of virtual reality bring to the table?

Ejercicios de realidad virtual semi inmersiva

In case you didn’t know, exercises with semi-immersive virtual reality provide added advantages and benefits compared to conventional rehabilitation.

First, semi-immersive virtual reality encourages exercise by creating new approaches and playful environments, unlike conventional rehabilitation, where the method tends to be more monotonous.

Secondly, virtual rehabilitation also boosts motivation, effort and adherence to treatment.

In this way, the possibility of modifying the characteristics of the virtual scenario makes rehabilitation sessions more attractive and fun, with more active participation in the exercises requested.

Also, conventional therapy does not provide feedback, unlike semi-immersive virtual reality exercises.

With this method, visual feedback is provided through the screen and/or auditory feedback through the loudspeakers, so that the user receives information about their successes and errors, facilitating correct learning and increasing their motivation.

Read on to see some examples of these virtual exercises.

ejercicios fisioterapia virtual

Virtual Reality Exercise Examples

In the recent update, 28 new physical exercises have been incorporated into the Rehametrics semi-immersive virtual reality program.

Of these, 26 are also available for webcam. The new exercises have the following themes:

Lower, Upper and Mixed Member Reaches
Lateral Trunk Control and Knee or Shoulder Flexion
Alternate and Simultaneous Coordination
Lateral displacements, with knee or shoulder flexion.
Precision balance
Shoulder Accuracy
Shoulder Range of Motion
Resistance with Squats
Lower and Upper Limb Resistance

As of this version of the software, Rehametrics Physical has 114 exercises available for the Kinect sensor and 45 for webcam.

You can offer functional exercises for balance, coordination, resistance, walking, transfers… but also in a very analytical way the specific movements of each joint.

In addition, it is possible to contract a telerehabilitation service, as the exercises are available for both the clinic and home use versions.

ejercicio de fisioterapia con realidad virtual semi inmersiva

Would you like to try them or receive more information?

You can request more information or a free trial of the Rehametrics physical rehabilitation exercise program, and see for yourself how it will help you improve your patients’ rehabilitation.

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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