Exercises for Gifted Students

Examples of exercises for gifted students

It is important to provide adequate intervention and exercises for Gifted Students, due to the prevalence and characteristics in the current population. The prevalence of gifted students varies depending on the criteria and identification methods used, but generally, it is estimated that about 3% to 5% of the student population can be considered gifted. Nevertheless, the prevalence of identified gifted students can vary by region due to differences in educational policies, funding for gifted programs, and cultural attitudes towards giftedness.

With this in mind, it is necessary for educational institutions and therapy centers to have adequate resources to both detect and intervene in gifted students.

What should you take into account when choosing exercises for gifted students?

It is necessary to promote intellectual stimulation, i.e., providing complex and challenging tasks that go beyond the standard curriculum can keep people with giftedness engaged and motivated. Many of the cognitive training apps and resources have exercises that are not sufficient or challenging for students with giftedness. Therefore, when choosing an app or cognitive software, it is important to take into account that it has enough exercises for gifted students.

It will be necessary to choose exercises of the most important cognitive areas with a high level of demand, to avoid that a person with giftedness loses interest or the exercise does not require sufficient effort to stimulate the cognitive function worked on.

Some examples may include: 

  • Logic and reasoning games such as chess or Sudoku
  • Creative tasks 
  • Tasks and guidelines to reinforce emotional intelligence, self-knowledge and social development.
  • Advanced math problems
  • Stress management, mindfullness and relaxation training
  • Activities to train attentional processes, e.g., divided attention.

Rehametrics activities for people with giftedness

Flexibility and math activity: The objective of this activity is to solve the mathematical equation by filling in the blanks with the correct answer.

Attention exercise: In this activity, a series of pseudosyllables are presented. The objective is to find the ones that are repeated 2 or 4 times.

Memory and executive functions activity: A series of instructions related to where to store certain clothes in a closet will be presented. The person has to remember where to store each item, as well as repeated items.

Attention and working memory exercises: This is an n-back task. A series of stimuli is presented and the person has to touch the screen when a set of stimuli is the same as the second last.

Spatial organization: Activity of visuoconstructive skills, reasoning and planning. In this activity it is required to complete a shape with several pieces presented.

Rehametrics offers pre-designed sessions with exercises for gifted students, as well as a wide variety of exercises with difficult levels.

If you are interested or want to try our software, contact us.

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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