Cognitive Stimulation Exercises for Memory Rehabilitation

Rehametrics has more than 36 exercises designed to stimulate and train, in individual sessions, the different types of memory that we all have.

Cognitive Rehabilitation Exercises

Memory is a fundamental part of our routine during all stages of our lifetime. For this reason, Rehametrics has more than 140 cognitive exercises available, including a significant number dedicated to train our auditive, verbal and visual memory as well as other types of memory: short-term, deferred, spatial, verbal, visual, prospective and working memory.

These cognitive stimulation exercises designed to train our memory have multiple levels of difficulty and personalization options which enable a variety of treatment options for clinicians and the capability to adapt prescribed rehabilitation sessions to the needs of each patient.

Provide an objective view of cognitive rehabilitation sessions

While patients complete rehabilitation sessions prescribed by their clinicians, Rehametrics quantifies -automatically- each session to offer healthcare professionals objective information on patient performance session after session. In this way, while patients complete the memory exercises available in Rehametrics, our software will register the number of correct, incorrect answers and their response time at each level of difficulty. But this is not all. Rehametrics will also offer this data to clinicians, displaying it within a clinical context. That is, indicating what type of stimuli appeared on screen and how similar they were to each other, when patients answered correctly or made mistakes in each completed session.

All of this clinical data can then be used by clinicians to obtain a more objective view of patient evolution during the rehabilitation process.

Main Benefits

How much memory it is possible to recover will mainly depend on both what its previous state was and on its current level of deterioration. However, cognitive stimulation and rehabilitation will always be benefitial and a good way to train and recover our memory, resulting in an improved quality of life. With Rehametrics it is possible to:

Make rehabilitation more engaging

Obtain better rehabilitation outcomes

Improve the quality of the rehabilitation services delivered to patients

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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