Cognitive Rehabilitation After a Brain Injury

Brain Injury

The Spanish Federation of Brain Injury (FEDACE) defines the concept of Brain Injury as a sudden injury to the brain. It is characterized by its sudden onset and by the set of sequelae that it presents depending on the area of the brain injured and the severity of the damage.

These sequelae usually end up causing abnormalities in perception and communication, as well as physical, cognitive and emotional alterations.

Causes of a Brain Injury

The causes of brain injury can be diverse, but among the most common we find:

Traumatic Brain Injuries
Brain tumors
Cerebral anoxias

Brain Injury can result in different sequelae that depend on the person and the severity of the injury and can be classified according to the areas of rehabilitation in seven groups:

Alertness level
Motor control
Reception of information
Activities of daily living

Brain Injury Sequelae on Cognition

Cognition is the ability we have to assimilate and process pereceived information and acquired knowledge. It is the ability of people to obtain information about their environment, through which they learn, reflect and make decisions.

Cognitive problems in many cases are neither appreciated nor evident, so they can cause a negative impression to those who interact with the affected person because they do not understand the way he or she acts or behaves.

Among the main sequelae after a brain injury are those related to memory. Normally, after an injury of this type, an episode of post-traumatic amnesia usually appears. It may be mild, moderate or long-lasting. In many cases, memory never recovers its normal function and its deficiencies remain forever.

On the other hand, there are also situations of disorientation or confusion that result in emotional or behavioral changes or hallucinations.

Cognitive Rehabilitation in Individuals Who Suffered a Brain Injury

The purpose of rehabilitation processes in patients who have suffered a brain injury is to recover the cognitive functions that have been altered.

Rehametrics has a variety of exercises based on virtual reality and designed to work on both the physical and cognitive aspects of each patient.

In relation to cognitive stimulation exercises for patients with Brain Injury, these are aimed at recovering attention, memory, and other cognitive impairments and to achieve the maximum level of autonomy for the patient.

One of the key aspects required to achieve these objectives is to design a personalized treatment. Rehametrics contains several customization options that allow clinicians to adapt the available activities to the capabilities of each patient.
Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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