Cognitive exercises for healthy aging

Choosing cognitive exercises for a healthy aging program

More and more people are turning to healthcare professionals and programs not only when they observe cognitive or physical decline, but also as a preventive measure. Properly selecting cognitive exercises for healthy aging can be a challenge, as most interventions are usually focused on rehabilitation of impaired functions.

Which cognitive areas to address

Designing a healthy aging program requires addressing the key cognitive areas and functions that tend to decline slightly with normal aging.

  • Attention
  • Memory
  • Executive functions
  • Language
  • Activities of daily living
  • Visuospatial and visoconstructive skills
  • Behavior and emotion
  • Interpersonal and relationship skills

How to implement an healthy aging program

Structuring the content of programs and workshops is crucial, as is planning sessions that include exercises for healthy aging. These exercises should be suitably challenging, motivating, and adaptable for both group and individual settings.

Therefore, it is essential to have specialized software that offers a wide range of activities, features pre-designed sessions aimed at healthy aging, and provides the possibility to plan sessions.

  • Rehametrics Cognitive Rehabilitation has a wide variety of both easy and difficult cognitive training exercises in order to guarantee exercising all cognitive functions. It includes tasks that address the functions essential for sustaining instrumental activities of daily living, complex memory tasks, divided attention, and more.
  • Rehametrics Occupational VR includes activities to practice various activities of daily living such as shopping, laundry, and cooking. It also combines cognitive and physical training within its activities to emulate the everyday challenges faced by people as they age.

If you want to try our program with cognitive exercises for healthy aging, contact us.

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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