Motivación en Rehabilitación

Video games in physiotherapy

Why use video games in Physiotherapy? Video games can be an effective and attractive tool in physiotherapy, as they help patients in their rehabilitation by making exercises more interactive and enjoyable. Not only with children, but also with adults or even geriatric patients video games can be used in physiotherapy sessions. Here are some ideas, […]

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How to increase participation in neuropsychology sessions

To increase participation in neuropsychology sessions, it is essential to implement strategies that foster patient engagement, motivation and satisfaction. If the patient is not motivated and does not collaborate, it will be more difficult for him/her to reach the established goals and progress in therapy may be slower. Adjustments in treatment to increase participation in

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terapia con gafas de realidad virtual

Therapy with virtual reality: A motivating alternative

Therapy with virtual reality is being used in more and more clinics and centers. As technology advances, the number of contraindications decreases, allowing for a broader range of patients to use these technologies. Immersive virtual reality, such as that provided by Meta Quest VR glasses, offers numerous advantages and applications in the fields of neurorehabilitation

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relación entre terapeuta y paciente

Weaving bridges, the relationship between therapist and patient

How to facilitate the relationship between therapist and patient? The relationship between therapist and patient is central to the rehabilitation process, significantly influencing outcomes and the overall treatment experience. This relationship, based on trust, empathy and collaboration, can be seen as building a bridge that facilitates the patient’s recovery. Below, we explore the key elements

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Activities of daily living: Paying bills

New cognitive activity: Paying bills Rehametrics features different exercises on activities of daily living. You can work on planning, using transportation, cooking, shopping, handling money. In this article we introduce a new activity: Paying bills. In this activity we work on cognitive functions such as working memory, attention, distractor inhibition and decision making. The activity

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