Activities of daily living: Paying bills

New cognitive activity: Paying bills

Rehametrics features different exercises on activities of daily living. You can work on planning, using transportation, cooking, shopping, handling money.

In this article we introduce a new activity: Paying bills. In this activity we work on cognitive functions such as working memory, attention, distractor inhibition and decision making.

The activity can be regulated in difficulty and has an ecological and meaningful component by resembling one of the instrumental daily living activities: managing finances.

The activity consists of deciding whether or not to pay a bill, then going to the virtual bank and entering the relevant invoice details. With this activity we work on cognitive functions such as:

  • Working memory
  • Decision making
  • Attention
  • Inhibition

Paying bills

In the first part of the exercise, a bill is presented with a series of data. The patient will have to decide whether or not to pay this bill depending on whether it comes out as “paid” or not.

If it is an outstanding bill and you have to pay, you will touch the “Pay” button and the exercise will take you to the virtual bank, where you will have to enter the invoice data.

activities of daily living

In the virtual bank, the user must enter, for example, the amount that was marked on the invoice. In case the patient doesn’t remember it, they can easily go back to the bill and memorize the data.

Once the data has been entered, the user must confirm the payment.

The exercise is regulated in difficulty increasing the number of distractions, such as the number of digits not to use or distractors that have nothing to do with the amount to be paid.

Likewise, the difficulty is increased by having to remember more data from the bill. At higher levels, the user must remember the account number, the concept indicated on the bill, and the amount.

If you would like to discover more Activities of Daily Living exercises, request a trial.

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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