New relaxation exercises with virtual reality

Relaxation with virtual reality

The use of virtual reality in rehabilitation sessions is becoming increasingly widespread in clinics, hospitals and other centers. That is why at Rehametrics we innovate and periodically design exercises for rehabilitation with virtual reality.

We are pleased to announce that in this new update we introduce new motivating and gamified exercises to achieve a variety of therapeutic objectives in occupational therapy, neuropsychology, psychology and physiotherapy sessions.

With this update, we have introduced relaxation exercises with virtual reality, in order to be able to use them as a tool for this purpose in therapies.

New relaxation exercises with virtual reality

One of the novelties of this new update are our relaxing environments. These are a series of virtual environments inspired by natural landscapes, with a low difficulty so that even people with cognitive cognitive impairment can perform the activity without frustration. The patient performs a visual search for stimuli moving on the screen, while Rehametrics picks up the movements of the patient’s head.

The use of motivating activities with virtual reality generates greater adherence, less monotony and high motivation in the sessions.

We present you a example of the new relaxation exercises with virtual reality that we have introduced:

Entorno relajante ártico

ejercicios para relajación con realidad virtual

In an arctic environment, the patient ‘s eyes will follow a series of animals that appear on the screen.

With this activity we can work on aspects such as:

  • Sustained Attention
  • Spatial Neglect
  • Relaxation
  • Pain management
  • Cognitive stimulation and cognitive exercises.
  • Cervicalgia

In which cases can these virtual reality exercises be used?

Some patients who may benefit from these exercises are:

- Dementia patients

- Senior citizens

- Post-stroke rehabilitation patients

- Patients with pain

- Patients with cervical pain

Rehametrics can also adapt the activities to the needs of the patient:

  • You can choose from several different environments.
  • Choosing aspects such as the direction that the stimuli follow.
  • Adjusting distractors.
  • Personalizing each of the activities.
With the use of virtual reality in sessions of neuropsychology, occupational therapy and physiotherapy, other more traditional therapies can be complemented.

Find out more about our virtual reality relaxation exercises!

Funded by the Digital Kit Program. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain «Next Generation EU»
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